Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction is a procedure that is done to correct overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men. It involves removing excess glandular tissue and fat to restore a firmer, flatter, and more masculine chest contour.

Gynecomastia is a condition of enlarged or overdeveloped breasts in men that can occur at any age. The condition can be caused by heredity, hormonal changes, obesity, and the use of certain drugs. This condition can impair a man’s confidence and cause emotional discomfort. 

Characteristics of gynecomastia include:

  • Excess glandular tissue development
  • Excess localized fat
  • Excess breast skin
  • It can be present in one breast (unilateral) or both breasts (both breasts)

Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction

The ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery is a man:

  • Whose breast development has stabilized
  • Who is bothered by the feeling that his breasts are too large
  • Whose condition cannot be corrected by other forms of medical treatments
  • Who is mentally and physically healthy
  • Is relatively at a stable weight
  • Is a nonsmoker
  • Has realistic expectations
  • Has specific goals in mind and a positive outlook regarding the results of the procedure

Teenagers can also benefit from gynecomastia surgery, although a secondary procedure is usually needed in the future as the breasts are not yet fully developed.

Gynecomastia Procedure

Gynecomastia surgery is done as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

This procedure can be done using the liposuction technique, excision technique or both techniques can be combined to achieve the optimum results.

Liposuction Technique

The liposuction technique is primarily used when gynecomastia is a result of excess fatty tissue alone. It involves making small incisions on the treatment area and inserting a cannula through them. The cannula is moved in a back and forth motion to dislodge and break down the fat which is then removed from the body by vacuum suction.

Different liposuction techniques can be used and your Plastic Surgeon will determine the right one for you.

Excision technique

In cases where gynecomastia is a result of excess skin and glandular breast tissue, excision techniques can be used to correct the condition. Excision is also recommended whereby the areola needs to be reduced or the nipple repositioned to a more natural male contour.

Combination of liposuction and excision techniques

Sometimes gynecomastia can be characterized by excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin. In such cases then the Plastic Surgeon can opt to use both liposuction and excision techniques.

Recovery and Results

After the gynecomastia surgery, you may feel pain and soreness for a few days but painkillers are usually prescribed for the discomfort. You will wear a compression garment for the first few days after surgery to help minimize the swelling and offer support as the tissue is healing. Most men return to work after a few days but strenuous activities should be avoided for about three weeks. You will be given individualized instructions to follow during your recovery.

The results of gynecomastia surgery are immediate but are obscured by post-surgical swelling. The final results can take between 3-6 months to be visible. Although the results of male breast reduction are permanent, it is important to avoid what caused the gynecomastia such as being overweight or use of certain medications to maintain the results.

To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Gynecomastia Surgery in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.